I Will Survive
Hello Heartbeats! Today I want to encourage you to trust God through the tough times. I know that’s easier said than done. But you can do it. Sometimes in life you are faced with situations or circumstances that are out of your control but seem to take control of your life instantly. During these times you feel like your back is against the wall and there is no way out. Well, I want to remind you that God is always there and is a very present help if you allow Him to come in and take control of your situation. Yesterday my Pastor, my Best Friend went home to be with the Lord and it was earth shaking to say the least. But it was at this time, I found God to be a comforter. Is my heart broken? Am I having moments of uncontrollable tears? Absolutely! However, I am able to keep moving because my trust is in God.
I am fully persuaded that God is sovereign and He will get me through this tough time. I’m fully persuaded that He will mend the broken pieces of my heart and heal it from all pain and sorrow (Psalm 147:3). I’m fully persuaded that I will survive because I serve a God who allows me to cast all my care on Him. A God that allows me to take His yoke for its easy and His burdens are light. A God that loves me and refuses to leave me in the state He found me. So as I begin to live in my new reality, I’m confident I’ll be alright because all my hope and trust is in my God. So when you’re faced with a tough time, remember the God you serve and trust Him to see you through.
Confess: God wants me whole and I’m getting whole by the minute!