Hello Heartbeats! Time to be good! Goodness, being good. Being the light of the world. Being just like the Father. Matthew 5:14 says, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill can not be hid.” In other words, people see your good works. You stand out. Your works make a statement for God. They see God working through you which causes them to glorify Him (Matthew 5:16). Just yesterday my best friend and I were having lunch and heard God say pay for that older couple’s lunch. We obeyed. When I went over to tell them their lunch & tip had been paid in full, they began to rejoice & praise God. The waitress said she had never seen anything like that before and began to cry. She said, “That is the love of Jesus! You two are such good people.” That one kind act caused others to lift the name of Jesus. Why? Because we were operating in the fruit of goodness. We were the light of the world that can’t be hidden. That waitress will never forget that experience. She saw the goodness of Jesus in action. It was so good, she committed to start doing the same thing she saw us do for others. My friend, I challenge you to do the same thing. Let your light shine that others might see the goodness of the Lord. That’s how we make His name ring out loud. That’s how we win others to Christ and cause some to repent and come back to Christ. It’s the goodness of the Lord that causes a man to repent. Will you do your part and light this world up with His goodness? I know you will. Confess: I am the light of the world. A light that can’t be hidden. I operate in the fruit of goodness that causes others to glorify my God. God wants me whole and I’m getting whole by the minute. Next week, faith!