Hello Heartbeats! It’s gentleness time! Gentleness is kindness. In the world we live in today, it’s very rare that we hear oh that person is so kind. As believers of God, we HAVE to change that…we have been deployed from heaven to bring heaven to earth living for all those we encounter. Gentleness is the experience that people experience off your life. They can see you are a kind person. They can feel your warmth. It’s Matthew 5:13. You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt has lost is savor, what good is it? In other words, if you’re not gentle or kind, how will the world experience Jesus Christ? Mark 9:50 ERV (easy reading version) says, “Salt is good. But if it loses is salty taste, you can’t make it good again.” My friend, you only have one opportunity when you encounter others. So make it count. Once that opportunity is gone, it’s gone. So no days off. Your salt can never lose its good taste. Gentleness has to be your new nature. So you have to be gentle with people. Not speaking harsh or mean. But, allowing the compassion of God to flow up from your heart and out of your mouth. I know you’re thinking, that’s not always easy. But it can be. Think about all the times God has been gentle with you and then extend that same courtesy. So let it be when people encounter you, they encounter the salt of earth off your life that seasons their life. Let it be that you inspire someone to change and be gentle just like you. Let your life be an example that you truly are made in His image. Confess: I am gentle. I know no other way to be. I am the salt of the earth and I season those that come around me with a taste of Heaven. God wants me whole and I’m getting whole by the minute. Next week, goodness!