Hello Heartbeats! Today is the fruit of temperance or self-control. The ability to control yourself. I believe the greatest area where you have to apply self-control is your mouth. The mouth is very powerful. You speak with your mouth. You eat with your mouth and based on what you let come out your mouth dictates the destiny of your life. So as Believers, we can’t allow just anything to come out of our mouths. We have to follow the example of Jesus. Jesus only said what the Father said. So going forward, practice self-control by only speaking what the Word says about you and your situation. The Word speaks peace, positivity, and prosperity. It speaks life. Remember, blessing and cursing should not come out of the same mouth. You control your destiny based on what you say. The Bible is clear. You have what you say. You don’t have to say everything on your mind. You really don’t have to contribute your two cents to a conversation. Next, controlling what you put in your mouth. Your body is the temple of God. So make sure your take good care of it. Start today controlling the amount of sugar and salt you consume. The enemy hasn’t changed. He still seeks to kill, steal and destroy you. Don’t allow him to destroy you through food. Beat him at his game. Begin to eat more fruit and vegetables. Put down the alcohol, soda and other sugary drinks. Drink water and live. Remember, God has already predestined and prearranged a blessed life for you. Don’t allow your mouth to abort it. Instead, use your mouth to call it forth. Fill your mouth with words and foods that prosper you. Confess: I have self-control. God wants me whole and I’m getting whole by the minute.