Moving Forward
Did you know that your past doesn’t define you? What happened, happened and is now over and done with. Don’t keep rehearsing your past. Every time you think about it, you’re stopping your momentum to move forward. Learn from it and let it go. Settle in your heart that God is not finished with you, that He’s giving you a fresh start and that He has greater things to come for you. Revelation 21:5 says, “He make all things new.” So take the makeover. Take the newness of life that God is giving you. Live, laugh, love and bask in his goodness. Dream again. In fact, set new goals and reach them. It’s never too late to start again. An obstacle or a setback doesn’t have to stop you.
If you run into a wall. Don’t quit. Don’t keep rehearsing the mistake. Figure out how to climb the wall, go through it, walk around it or simply knock it down. You have everything on the inside of you to make your dreams a reality. Always remember that the Bible says you are more than a conqueror. There is no quit in you. Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams and rehearse the past or get up, move forward and make your dreams a reality. Decide today to make your dreams a reality. Decide today to never let your past define you and decide today to never give up on you. Be your biggest cheerleader. You are full of potential and there is no limit to what you can do. So, on your make, get set, go for it! Confess: God wants me whole and I’m getting whole by the minute.